Last modified on August 3rd, 2023


Integer Word Problems

We use integers in our everyday life for counting money and measuring the speed of sound and light, height and weight of objects, temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, and depth of a sea. Solving word problems related to the above measurements will help us relate better to the concept with applications.

A submarine was located 600 feet below sea level. Calculate its new position if it ascends 250 feet from its position.


The initial position of the submarine is 600 feet
It ascends 250 feet
Thus, the new position of the submarine is (600 – 250) feet = 350 feet
Thus, the new depth of the submarine is 550 feet

Today’s weather report suggested that the temperature of New York City increased from 10-degree celsius to 20-degree celsius. What is the rise in temperature?


Initial temperature = -10 degree celsius
Final temperature = 20 degrees celsius
Increase in temperature
= 20 – (-10)
= 30 degrees celsius
Thus, the rise in temperature of New York City is 30 degree Celsius.

Demitri owes her mother \$5.00. He earns \$12.00 doing chores. How much is left with him after he gives his mother what she owes?


Amount to be given to his mother = \$5.00
He earns = \$12.00
Thus, he is left with = \$(12.00 – 5.00) = \$7.00
Thus, Demitri is left with \$7.00.

The local movie theater reported losses of \$475 each day for 3 days. What was the total loss incurred for the 3 days?


Loss incurred by the movie theater per day = \$475
The loss incurred in 3 days = \$(3 × 475) = \$1,425
Thus the total loss incurred by the movie theater in 3 days is \$1,425

The Second World War began in the year 1939 and ended in 1945. How long did it last?


The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in 1945
Thus, it lasted (1945 – 1939) = 6 years

Mt. Everest is 29,028 feet above sea level, and the Dead Sea is 1,312 feet below sea level. Find the difference between the 2 elevations.


The height of Mt. Everest is 29,028 feet above sea level
The height of the Dead Sea is 1,312 feet below sea level
Thus, the difference between the 2 elevations = (29,028 + 1,312) feet
= 30,340 feet

Dakota withdrew a total of \$600 over 4 days. If he withdrew the same amount daily, find the amount he withdrew each day.


Total amount Dakota withdrew = \$600
Number of days he withdrew = 4 days
Amount withdrawn each day = \$(600 ÷ 4) = \$150
Thus, Dakota withdrew \$150 per day.

Andrew had \$12,000 in his account. He once withdrew \$2,000 and then deposited $6,000. What is the current balance in the account?


Initial balance Andrew had = \$12,000
Amount withdrawn = \$2,000
Amount deposited = \$6,000
Thus, the current balance = \$(12,000 – 2,000 + 6,000)
= \$16,000
Thus, the current balance Andrew has currently in his account is \$16,000

A kite rises 100 feet from the ground and then falls back 40 feet. What is the current height of the kite from the ground?


The kite rises = 100 feet and then falls back = 40 feet
Thus, the current height of the kite from the ground is (100 – 40) feet = 60 feet

If it is 3°C outside and the temperature drops 15° C in the next 6 hours, how cold will it be after 6 hours?


Initially, the outside temperature was 2°C
Then, the temperature drops to = (2 – 15)°C  = -13°C
Thus, the temperature after 6 hours will be -13°C

Last modified on August 3rd, 2023

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