Last modified on August 3rd, 2023

chapter outline


Quadrilateral Venn Diagram

A quadrilateral Venn diagram is a graphical representation showing the relationships between the different quadrilaterals, based on their properties. A Venn diagram uses overlapping circles to show the relationships between its members.

Quadrilateral Venn Diagram

How to Sort Quadrilaterals Using a Venn Diagram

Concept: Have you ever thought why the group, quadrilateral, cannot be represented by any particular shape, such as a square or a rectangle or a parallelogram? It is because each of the six special quadrilaterals has some unique properties that are not found in any other shape and thus cannot represent the whole group. On the contrary, there are multiple properties common to some shapes or the other. 

Explanation: Let us understand the above concept in more detail.

As we know, a square has all its four sides of equal length, and all four angles are right angles, measuring 90° each. These properties are absent in all other five special quadrilaterals. Thus we can say a square is exclusive to all other shapes. Similarly, a rhombus, a square, and a rectangle share their basic properties with a parallelogram and hence grouped under them. Again, a square shares some of its properties with both a rhombus and a rectangle.

Is a trapezoid a parallelogram? No, since a trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides. Thus a trapezoid is shown using a separate circle in a parallelogram.  

What about a kite? A kite can be a parallelogram with equal opposite interior angles. It can be a rhombus when its two pairs of sides are equal and can be a square if all its four angles are equal.

Hence, in the given Venn diagram, if a member shares any of its property with any other members, they are kept in the overlapping sections. Otherwise, they are kept exclusive.

Last modified on August 3rd, 2023

One thought on “Quadrilateral Venn Diagram

  1. I sincerely appreciate having these thinking shapes as it will assist me in planning my lessons constructively. I am a Science & Physics teacher who always looks forward to demonstrating my address carefully.
    Also, it saves me a lot of time trying to find out what is out there to use.

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